Unleashing Childhood: The Timeless Joy of Outdoor Summer Adventures

Unleashing Childhood: The Timeless Joy of Outdoor Summer Adventures

Rediscover the Magic of Summer Close your eyes and picture a summer from your childhood. Do you remember the thrill of building a secret fort in the woods, creating games with friends that only you understood, or feeling the mud squish between your fingers as you made the “best” mud pie ever? Those moments weren’t just fun—they were formative. At Treeline, we believe every child deserves a chance to experience the magic of outdoor play. Our summer enrichment weeks, featuring the licensed TimberNook curriculum, bring kids aged 4–10 into the heart of nature for mornings filled with adventure, creativity, and connection. Unrestricted Play: The Heart of Childhood Unrestricted play is where the magic begins. Unlike structured activities, where the rules are set by adults, this…

Crossing the Treeline: The Story Behind Treeline Enrichment

Crossing the Treeline: The Story Behind Treeline Enrichment

Every story has a beginning, and for Treeline Enrichment, it started with a defining moment that shaped our path forward. I wanted to share this story because I believe the name ‘Treeline’ holds something more than just a label—it holds meaning, history, and purpose. In 2018, as I sat across from an attorney, papers spread out before me, preparing to make my business official, I knew I was taking the first steps of something significant. This story begins at that moment. I knew what I wanted to offer to the world: a space where children could grow, thrive, and connect with nature. But I didn’t have a name. That decision felt heavier than I anticipated, as if the name would set the course for everything…

The Hummingbird and the Helicopter: Two Approaches to Parenting

The Hummingbird and the Helicopter: Two Approaches to Parenting

Parenting Styles: Hummingbird versus Helicopter Approach As a parent, you think to yourself, am I doing this right? I just want my child to be happy, safe, and successful. Am I a “good” parent?  Often, parents feel the need to constantly “help” their children succeed just to get ahead in school, sports, or having “enough” friends. This puts a lot of pressure on parents and their children.  The media has different labels for parenting styles, while clinical and developmental psychology has grouped these into three classifications:  Authoritarian: focuses on rigid rules, expectations, and consequences. Parents control behaviors and emotions, resulting in children becoming fearful of expressing themselves.   Permissive: extreme opposite of aforementioned.  Direction and boundaries are not a priority with little emphasis on restrictions. This…

Benefits of Mixed-Age Play

Benefits of Mixed-Age Play

The Power of Play Play is our kid’s favorite thing to do.  And it should be.  It is a critical vehicle for kids to learn and grow physically, socially, and emotionally for the world around them.  Thankfully, kids are organically driven to play.  Kids are made to move, ask questions, explore, interact, and imagine.  It is what they want to and need to do.   Mixed-Age Play So often our kids are grouped into set age ranges for play with only a 1-2 year span.  But mixed-age play is actually highly beneficial for all kids involved.  Children are able to learn new skills from older friends and teach new skills to younger friends. This give-and-take provides opportunities for both growth and leadership. “Age mixed play offers…

OT Student Reflections

OT Student Reflections

Student Reflections at Treeline from OT Student Sean Vercellone, St. Augustine University I have always enjoyed spending time in nature. It is a place where I feel safe and most like myself. This fact shaped my career path and led me to work at a summer camp for kids and adults with disabilities. I loved this job! I lead activities like kayaking, tubing, and ziplining, while also building meaningful connections with so many unique kids and adults. Working at this camp for three summers changed my life. Not only did it lead to me applying to occupational therapy school, but it was the first time I witnessed the therapeutic benefits of nature. 

Tips to keep kids happy playing outside in the heat!

Comfortable Kids Happy Kids It’s too hot. I’m sweaty.  I don’t want to play outside. If you are like me, these are phrases I often hear when the heat and humidity crank up every summer.  But heat and humidity is not a problem with the right gear, supports, and approach!   We know the heat and humidity are coming, so let’s make a plan to keep our kids comfortable, engaged, and happy outdoors all summer long!

Nature Sensory Scavenger Hunt

Nature Sensory Scavenger Hunt

We are spending as much time as we can outside!  The fresh air, natural light, calming colors, and open space is good for our emotions and mental health.  Plus the great outdoors gives us places to explore, things to discover, endless play experiences, and loads of organic learning opportunities. But sometimes our kids (and adults) need a little inspiration. Are you ready to turn your next hike, neighborhood walk, or backyard garden into an adventure? 

How do I work on handwriting outdoors?

How do I work on handwriting outdoors?

Handwriting is typically a skill taught and practiced inside. But WHY?   The great outdoors affords an abundance of opportunities, inspirations, and experiences to help build strong, capable, and independent handwriters! PLUS time outdoors has a positive impact on our attention, mood, sensory integration, and overall health and well being.  So let’s head out for a walk in the neighborhood, hike along a trail, explore the beach, or find a cozy spot under a tree at a city park.  Here are some tips and tools to help you get started!