Unleashing Childhood: The Timeless Joy of Outdoor Summer Adventures

Unleashing Childhood: The Timeless Joy of Outdoor Summer Adventures

Rediscover the Magic of Summer Close your eyes and picture a summer from your childhood. Do you remember the thrill of building a secret fort in the woods, creating games with friends that only you understood, or feeling the mud squish between your fingers as you made the “best” mud pie ever? Those moments weren’t just fun—they were formative. At Treeline, we believe every child deserves a chance to experience the magic of outdoor play. Our summer enrichment weeks, featuring the licensed TimberNook curriculum, bring kids aged 4–10 into the heart of nature for mornings filled with adventure, creativity, and connection. Unrestricted Play: The Heart of Childhood Unrestricted play is where the magic begins. Unlike structured activities, where the rules are set by adults, this…

Do Big Kids Still Need to Play?

Do Big Kids Still Need to Play?

Whenever I bring up an opportunity for my son to take a class, participate in a program as a ‘helper,’ or do anything he isn’t authentically interested in, I get the same reply, “Mom, I just want to play.” This reply stands out because it is from a 14-year-old. Yes, big kids still want to play!  The problem is that there very few opportunities for pre-teens and teens to ‘just play.’ So, before I go any further, let me define ‘play‘. Play is a range of intrinsically motivated activities done for recreational pleasure and enjoyment (Garvey, 1990).  For this post, I’m defining play as child-led, including activities they choose and resulting in their enjoyment.  In the homeschool community, you will find groups, generally led by…

What is Occupational Therapy?

What is Occupational Therapy?

Have you been told that your child may need occupational therapy but you have no idea what that means? Sure you have heard of physical therapy and speech therapy, but occupational therapy seems like it relates to a job.  And you are thinking, my child is only 5, he doesn’t have a job! You are not alone!